Veterinary Student EMS & Externships

Visiting students please read the information below carefully and click below to find our full Student Guidelines

EMS & Externships

Externships are booked in 2 week blocks. Longer placements are available on request.

Due to high demand, placements are prioritised for students who fit the following criteria:

- Students living locally to the hospital (within Co. Meath/Louth) in third year or higher looking to fulfil their Equine EMS requirements

- Students with an interest in pursuing Equine practice after graduation

- Students interested in pursuing an internship at Lisadell

If you feel you meet these criteria please see information on how to apply below. 

Further information and how to apply

At Lisadell Equine Hospital, we welcome and encourage students who wish to visit us to see practice. We only take a maximum of two Veterinary Students at a time to ensure each student gains maximum experience during their stay.

What does an externship offer students? 

  • Students are offered the opportunity to assist and observe in the everyday workings of the hospital including surgeries and lameness or other examinations.
  • Students will gain hands-on experience in many areas including Digital X-ray and Ultrasound, administering treatments and even assisting in surgery where appropriate.
  • Students will be supervised at all times and are expected to maintain strict confidentiality. We ask that you are willing and helpful in exchange for this experience and you may be asked to pitch in and help in all areas of the running of the practice.
  • You will also have opportunity to spend time with our ambulatory vets and gain valuable knowledge and insight into Equine practice in Ireland.
  • The nature of Equine practice means we have no set start and finish times and at busy times you may end up staying late! An externship is a great way to get to know us and learn more about our internships.

Places tend to fill up quickly, sometimes as far as one year in advance so make sure to get in touch early.

We unfortunately cannot offer accommodation for students, however we can recommend a number of options in the area.

Visiting students please click below to access our full student information and guidelines:


How do I book?

If you are satisfied that you meet the criteria outlined above, please email the office at  for the attention of Emma. It is essential that you include the following information:

Your University, your stage of study and how you meet our criteria
Your exact dates of availability including preferred and alternative dates
For placements of longer than 2 weeks or overseas students and those interested in an internship after graduation, please also provide a CV and cover letter