Weatherbys 30 day foal notification

From the 1st January 2019, breeders of TB foals in Ireland are obliged to notify Weatherbys Ireland within 30 days of the birth of any foal. This requires that markings and DNA are taken by a Veterinary Surgeon and submitted within the first month of life (30 days). This notification must be accompanied by a number of details including: 

·      Keepers Name and Address

·      Email address

·      Equine Premises Number (EPN).

In order to ensure that markings can be completed and submitted within the required time-frame we suggest to all clients that foals be presented for markings at the time of foal heat examination of the dam. In the event that this is not possible, we suggest that you arrange to have your foalsmarkings taken within the first 2 weeks if at all possible to avoid delays in processing and submitting samples.

 If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
